Work Culture & Employee Development

INDIA NIPPON ELECTRICALS LTD believes that a satisfied employee gives his best performance in his workplace and world class standards are produced with time and effort usefully spent in providing a harmonious culture. Towards attaining this goal, India Nippon Electricals Ltd management has instituted several programmes in the areas of training its employees, involving them and their families in cultural activities of the company and creating a work-friendly environment.

The employees at India Nippon Electricals Ltd are provided with in-house / on-the-job training at the Training Centre. They are also encouraged to attend programmes organised by well established external agencies to constantly upgrade and hone their skills, acquire flexibility for handling sophisticated equipment, learn modalities of modern technologies in the area of designing products, manufacturing, quality and customer service. Some of the employees are also sent to the collaborators works for on-the-job training and to learn new production methods, technology improvements and are made to adopt them on their return.


Employee involvement goes beyond work-related activities at INEL. Employees participate in various activities such as suggestion schemes, small group activities, safety meetings to enhance organisation efficiency and meet challenges imposed by severe competition in the industry.

Employees along with their families also take part in the cultural programmes periodically organised by the company. Another area where the company gives importance is the welfare of employees.

Towards this the company has extended facilities of a canteen for serving wholesome food, medical assistance to self and immediate family members, assistance for educating their children.

The company has made strides in accepting social responsibility in the programmes of neighbouring villages and providing help for planting of saplings, promoting health schemes.


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